2 May 2023

Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week 2023

What is Maternal Mental Health Week?

Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week is a week-long campaign dedicated to talking about mental health problems before, during and after pregnancy. This year, the overall theme is ‘Together in a changing world’.

The week is all about:

·       raising public and professional awareness of perinatal mental health problems

·       advocating for women and families impacted by it.

·       changing attitudes

·       helping people access the information, care and support they need to recover.

Founders Top Tips

We asked our founders Amy and Kate what helped them during their pregnancy and if they could share any advice with new parents.

What/who was your strongest support while you were pregnant? 

K: “Doing a gentle pregnancy yoga class helped not only physically but mentally too, I met some of my closest new mum friends who were going through pregnancy and birth at a similar stage to me and this was a great support during pregnancy and postnatally.”

A: “My strongest support was probably my friends and family who had children or who were pregnant with me at the same time. It was such a special time! Continuing to exercise was key for me it really helped with the aches and pains that came with pregnancy.”

What advice would you give to expecting/new parents?

1. Don’t plan to do too much it’s ok to just rest and enjoy your new baby it can be a roller coaster of emotions and that is normal. Don’t let the guilt creep in!

2. Get outside once a day and enjoy fresh air, a walk in the park or meet up with another mum for morale support.

3. Do some batch cooking for the freezer before the baby arrives

4. Pack your hospital bag in advance with our hospital bag check list

5. Enjoy the journey it is an amazing one.

As a brand, what support will you give to new parents?

As a brand we are proud to support ‘The little village HQ charity’ who offer help to all families. Little village are like a food bank but for clothes, toys and equipment. You can find out more ways to help on their website, and this Saturday 6th May, we will donate 10% of all profits to the charity.

The Mum Ribbon Movement

By shining a light on how we can be #strongertogether we are taking part in #themumribbonmovement Started by @annamathur by tying a ribbon to your bag you are showing you’re open to offering help to fellow mothers.

The ribbon says:
- I am open to you offering me some kind words or support
- I’m here if you need some kind words or support

 Tag us @wearefinnson with your ribbon pics, and show your support to other new Mums.