Self-Care with Bloom & Blossom

Let's face it, life's a rollercoaster. So for us, as co-founders, mothers, wives, friends and taxi drivers this juggle is as real as it is for everyone. The juggle of running our own business, alongside our families and our homes is a rollercoaster that we both love and are so grateful for. However sometimes that person operating ‘said’ rollercoaster needs a break from the exhilaration (input any adjective you would prefer here). And this break could be titled ‘self-care’.
But self-care isn't about becoming a zen master or ditching your responsibilities, it is
about refuelling your tank so you can keep on going. It shouldn’t feel selfish as it’s about
self-preservation and let’s never forget the importance of putting on your own oxygen mask
before helping others.
So with that pep talk done, here are a couple of self-care tools/rituals we live by. We aren’t always good at them, we sometimes lapse, overdo it and run out of fuel, but with a little
realignment we always come back to what we need, and that is some simple me time.
Back to nature – having not had huge success with our (not very) green fingers our advice
is get yourself a plant that's impossible to kill, because the joy it brings to see it grow and to
keep it actually alive, is really something special. Getting outside as much as possible, even
if you are working from home, make a tea, just stand outside for 5 mins to take it in. or get
out on your lunchbreak and step away from the office space.
Shut eye – ‘leave the phone downstairs’ – you know you must, you know you don’t need it
as your alarm clock, and it’s time to replace your nightly doomscrolling with a soothing
bedtime routine. So as a brand we promote the importance of a good bedtime routine so we
ourselves enjoy warm baths, soothing showers, gentle music, cosy pyjamas and reading
ourselves to sleep. And fundamentally we are just much nicer people if we have had a good
night’s sleep.
Your quiet spot – allocate yourself a chair or space in your home that is your quiet space.
The comfier the better and with an optional built in "Do Not Disturb" sign, it is a space where
you can sit and contemplate, think, read, daydream or even nap. Quiet time is essential and
a huge tonic.
Movement – call it what you want – exercise, training, workout – whatever it is movement is
so important in your day. Dancing like nobody is watching, walking your dog, stretching as
you wake, 5km park run or trotting along for the school run is good for your soul. Remember
exercise isn’t just for your abs, it is more like an anti-depressant in disguise as you pump up
those endorphins and clear your mind. It naturally lifts your mood and is a daily essential for
us both.
So in a nutshell self-care or whatever you would prefer to call it keeps you running smoothly,
and ensures you are equipped to handle life's bumpy roads. So don’t see it as a treat, see it
as fuel for your body, something that keeps you going so make sure your fuel light doesn’t
switch on.