1 August 2023
Top 3 benefits of recycled polyester

Recycled polyester using less resources and diverts plastic from landfill.
What is recycled polyester?
Recycled polyester (RPET) is a Global Recycled Standard (GRS) material made from repurposed plastic. Rather than ending up in a landfill, RPET takes existing plastic and turns it into a greener, more sustainable, highly durable fabric – which we turn into eco-conscious baby changing bags, stroller organisers, stylish baby-friendly shoppers and more.
The plastic problem

PET plastic takes hundreds of years to break down
Recycled polyester is a greener alternative to virgin polyester. Why? For a start, the lifecycle of virgin plastic has a significant environmental impact (carbon footprint). Virgin plastic, or PET, begins as a byproduct of petroleum. Petroleum refineries are renowned for causing vast pollution in the air, water, and soil. To make matters worse, the factories that turn PET into polyester also use tons of energy and produce wastewater filled with untreated toxins.

Following production and circulation, plastic products are often discarded – often after single use
As most of these products are designed for single use, the vast resources used and pollution created amount to a very short life and will take hundreds of years to break down.
In contrast, recycled polyester diverts post-consumer products and recirculates the material, giving potential waste a new life – like unisex parenting bags, hospital or maternity bags, accessories and more.
The reason recycled polyester is more sustainable
So how is recycled polyester different to virgin polyester? These key reasons are also the top benefits of using recycled polyester over virgin polyester.
2. Multiple lifecycles
Recycled polyester can also be used over and over again. While our eco-friendly baby changing bags and sustainable stroller organisers are durable and made to last beyond baby, the materials can be repurposed and made into other RPET products. There’s no limit to how many times RPET can be recycled – which means we can keep it out of landfill and keep turning RPET into useful parenting products.
Bonus: Great for prints and colours
Another excellent property of RPET is the material’s ability to hold colour range for a long time. Whether it’s our signature leopard print changing backpack, jet black stroller organiser, camel-coloured changing pouch or a baby changing bag in new colourway grey – each piece looks fabulous and is made to last.

The future of plastic
At the moment, recycling PET bottles into RPET fabric is more expensive than producing virgin polyester. The fashion world is slowly catching up, but we need to do what we can to get there quicker. Using RPET is just one way we participate to make the future of fashion – and the world – look a little brighter.
By taking PET that already exists and turning it into a useful, polyester-like material through a less energy-intensive process, we can help eliminate the need for virgin polyester altogether. At the same time, we can put a stop to an environmentally hazardous manufacturing practice.